Monday, February 27, 2012

Pressed but not Crushed

It is in time of pressing and being broken when God draws you closer to him. He sees every tear and hears every cry and continues to be faithful. His love and patience has been overwhelming in this journey and its only the beginning. I am a person of lists, plans, schedules, routines and familiarity and God has been stripping that away in drastic ways the last month. Both in my personal life and my spiritual life. In all circumstances I can see God's hand at work. A year and a half ago I read a devotional by the great Charles Spurgeon that continues to be dear to my heart and always relevant:
"He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. If you bring forth fruit, you will have to endure affliction. But this affliction works out such precious results, that the Christian who is the subject of it must learn to rejoice in tribulations, because as the tribulations abound, so his consolations abound by Christ Jesus. Rest assured, if you are a child of God, you will be no stranger to the rod. Sooner or later every bar of gold must pass through the fire. You will be delivered from clinging to the present, and made to long for those eternal things which are so soon to be revealed to you."
I am being made into a better creation for Christ and although it sucks sometimes and loneliness and doubt creep in, I hold true to His promises. He is my chief joy and strength and in my weakness He is made strong and I can only give the glory to Him. Please continue to pray for me. I am truly blessed with some amazing women in my life. You know who you are :) Thank you for listening to my soundless ridiculous cries, for making me laugh when I thought I couldn't and for always directing me to Jesus. Community with believers is one of the greatest gifts God gives us. I love you!!!

Also, I want to hold an acoustic benefit concert within the next couple of months. Please let me know if you'd like to play or if you know of an intimate, reasonably priced venue that will let me hold the show.
So far the wonderful bands: Pilgrims, Alabaster Stones and Miss Christie Brooke have agreed to perform. Check them out on their facebook pages. They're pretty much amazing :)